Archive for the ‘Travel In Japan’ Category

Following the earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, the government has officially lifted all tsunami warnings across the country. We have checked our apartments in Tokyo including populated area Roppongi and they remain safe for living. Should you have any concerns, please contact our office for assistance.

Updates From Monthly Apartment Tokyo

Following the earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, the government has officially lifted all tsunami warnings across the country. We have checked our apartments in Tokyo including populated area Roppongi and they remain safe for living. Should you have any concerns, please contact our office for assistance.

Gay travel Japan or Gay friendly travel Japan? Which sounds better wondered; when I sat down to put ideas together for this blog post. Not that it really matters I suppose, since the content of this article will remain the same regardless. I have a number of gay friends in Tokyo,both Japanese and foreign, If I had more time before writing this I might have quizzed them on what they would like to see written. Anyway that’s too long of an opening ramble; the point of this post is too mention a website that I think is doing something pretty cool and interesting in the realm of travel…

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